X6 RAG-TIME ANB TANGO patriotism); but, least of all, his own, devoted by a long and glorious tradition to all the exercises of organised emotion heightened by the very last devices of publicity— the nobly waving flag, the soundly beaten drum, the rich eloquence of Conventions, and annual holocausts of Fourth of July fire-crackers. So one had half expected some stupendous intimation of all the wonders that lay in waiting a mile or so ahead—a fanfare of headlines, flourish of posters, tucket of sky-signs, or a grand set-piece of advertise- ment with linguistic rockets starred along the zenith and Catherine-wheels of appreciation revolving in mute ecstasy. But the landfall was oddly unobtrusive. For America steals on the explorer out of the morning mist. The big blue mountains of mid-ocean w&re far behind us now; and smooth levels of grey water sliding past presently disclosed an indubitably American tanker, followed by real American gulls and by mud-flats yet more real. Then (o Columbus ; o Amerigo Vespucci) islets took shape and slid away into the mist. A dreary coast-line heaved slowly into the morn- ing ; and even the sharp angles of coast-defences failed to lend dignity to Staten Island, For there is little of Gibraltar about Fort Wadsworth. The coast itself seems slightly incredulous; and that rectangular silhouette, which guards the approaches of strong places and awes visitors to Metx with a sense of guns invisibly in waiting behind the shaven green of smooth escarpments, seems somehow out of place in full view of Coney Island. For one had not looked for guns of position among the switchbacks. Then, our engines running easily for the first time in six days, the Narrows slid past; Liberty, avoiding the obvious by a praiseworthy effort, was small beyond expectation, a greenish miniature of her enormous fame; and the ecstatic watchers on the deck saw tall, unlikely towers step suddenly out of the mist and group themselves into a city. But down below, where the baggage waited neatly stacked outside relinquished state-rooms, the anxious voices still enquired along each sounding passage for the Something